If you had the chance to live a perfect life, would you take it? You'd live a life that misses nothing and is always going the way you want it to. I sometimes wonder if I'd like to live a perfect life, and the answer would be a simple "no". I don't think that I'd ever start over and take back the mistakes I made. I made them for a reason and I learned from them. Everyone makes mistakes, but it's up to you to learn from them. A life that misses nothing doesn't sound so great. I wouldn't like to live a life that it just" perfect". What's the point? I think that too much of a good thing can be bad, at times. Too much chocolate, for example, isn't going to end well. A perfect life, in my opinion, wouldn't be all that perfect.
What if you had the chance to live your life over again. You'd just stop everything right now and start over. Would you do that? Life your life again and go back and redo the moments where you wish you'd said what you wanted to say, or talked to the sad, lonely person in the corner, or volunteered more of your time helping others less fortunate. What would you do differently? Would you be nicer to your siblings? Would you flash a smile when your mom asks you to wash some of the dishes? Would you spend more time reading your dusty Bible? Would you gossip less and accept everyone the way they are? I think that starting over could be an interesting experience, but why start over if you don't have anything that you'd want to take back? I think that if you realize that you want to take something back, you've also realized that you didn't do the right thing , and you learned from your mistake. If you want to redo something, I think that you've already gotten to the point when you know that you've messed up.
So, live your life to the fullest. Don't try to live a perfect life. I'm not saying that you should make a ton of mistakes. But, what I mean is that any mistakes that you've made, were made for a reason, and you should accept them and learn from them. Don't dwell on the past errors because you can't take them back. Worry is a waste of time because it doesn't change anything. "All it does is taint your mind and steals your joy." But, in the end, speak to that sad, lonely person in the corner. Spend more time reading your Bible. Be proud of the life that you're living.