Saturday, December 13, 2014

My thoughts while at the airport....

I love flying! I traveled yesterday and went ahead and thought I'd write a post about what goes through my head when I'm traveling. So, here are my thoughts while I’m at the airport...I'm sure there are a few you can relate to.

  • This backpack is feeling heavier and heavier the more I walk. I don’t think Frodo’s pack felt this heavy.
  • Kudos to that lady for traveling in 5-inch heels. She should definitely get some sort of prize.
  • You’re charging me how much for a bottled water? Is the water at least from the fountain of youth? Do you guys have payment plans for paying that water bottle off? Well then, can I get a student discount? 
  • Why is my connecting flight on the complete opposite side of the airport? Maybe if I look like I’m struggling one of those little cars will come pick me up.
  • Let me quadruple check I have my boarding pass. Ok good, I have it. Hm. Let me just check once more.
  • Why is this plane freezing? Well, fingers, it’s been nice having you. But, I’m afraid I might lose you to frostbite. 
  • Why aren’t there windows in the plane bathrooms? It’s not like anyone is going to peek in from outside.
  • I think the flight attendant gave me more ice in this shot-glass-of-a-cup than actual water. 
  • Why is the toilet in the plane bathroom so loud? It’s going to suck you down too. 
  • Go to the bathroom in the plane without touching anything. Challenge accepted. 
  • Oh you want me to check the safety procedures in the pocket on the seat in front of me? I'm afraid if I put my hand in that nasty pocket I will procure the bubonic plague.
  • Skymall has the weirdest things ever.  But on the bright side, now I know where I can buy a spatula with a built-in light, an eye and temple massager, or a bacon pillow.
  • I think the guy behind me is going to run over me with his Louis Vuitton carry-on if I don’t take off my shoes, belt, and jacket off, lift my heavy rolling carry-on onto the conveyor belt, and take my laptop out of its sleeve fast enough. Patience Mr. Kors. Don't rush me through security!
  • Why do I feel guilty while walking through the metal detector? Take a deep breath woman! You didn’t do anything. 
  • Ok, I’m through the detector. Now I’ve got to grab all my stuff off the conveyor belt and head to the nearest bench before Mr. Independent behind me challenges me to a tap-dance battle or sues me. I don’t know which would be worse.
  • Can I sneak on that flight to New Zealand?…..Please?

  • There are definitely some interesting characters at this airport.
  • How does that girl look perfect even though she just got off a plane? My makeup looks raccoon-like, my hair is pretty much one giant tumbleweed, I can’t feel my legs, and I can’t hear anything out of my right ear because it’s still getting used to the change in air pressure. 
  • Is that baby on my plane? 
  • Why does everyone feel the need to battle to the death to board the plane? Chill, you guys! This isn’t the Hunger Games. 
  • Two kids plus one iPad equals chaos. 
  • So I can’t go through security with a water bottle but I can buy a bottle of perfume outside my gate? Hm. 
  • Why is it the minute the plane touches down everyone jumps out of their seats and try to climb over each other to get out first? Peace around the world people!

  • Well, of course my luggage comes out last. Mini heart attack. 


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Giving up the control

I love being in control. I have a hard time dealing with a situation when things are out of my hands because I enjoy knowing exactly what I’m walking into. The unknown is a scary place for me.

But trying to be in control and alert of every aspect of my life is exhausting. It takes so much energy, and it’s impossible to legitimately be in control of my life. Yes, I have somewhat control of parts of my life like what I choose to eat for breakfast or who I choose to be friends with, but there are lots of things that are out of my control. 

I recently had a rough week. At the end of it, I felt numb and confused because I realized that I exaggerated my feelings just a bit. I thought about why I was having such a difficult week and then I had an epiphany. I was so worked up about making sure that everything in my life was going smoothly that I just could not keep up with it.  Why couldn’t I keep up with it? Well, I was trying to control and manipulate certain aspects of my life that I honestly had no control over. It was useless worrying. 

I do not want to have control over everything. That’s God’s job. If I was in control, my life would be boring and routine where nothing extraordinary or exciting would ever occur. Giving God command of my life gives Him the opportunity to do vastly more in my life than I could ever imagine if I were in control. 

Surrendering is a hard concept for some of us to grasp. It tends to have a negative connotation nowadays. Surrendering sounds like hoisting the white flag, giving up the battle, and letting the enemy win. But surrendering to God should not be seen as an act of weakness but an act of trust. 

Surrendering to God happens when you allow Him to fight the battle for you and when you let Him work things out. You are giving Him the control in order to do what is necessary for your life. You stop the manipulation of fulfilling your own agenda and allow God to do what he knows is best for your life. And, trust me, He knows what’s best for you.

Psalm 55:22 says “Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” 

Psalm 50:15 says “And call upon me on the day of trouble, I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” 

And let’s not forget Proverbs 3:5-6” Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will makes your paths straight.”

Glance over at Psalm 50:15 again. The end of the verse says that “you shall glorify me”. We will glorify God and give him thanks because he will “deliver” us. Putting my trust in my own self will only lead to failure because I am not perfect. But God will never fail because he is the definition of perfection. It comes down to having the patience and trust to give God the control. I know it’s hard, but it’s worth it. 

So when you feel like things are spiraling out of your grasp, remember that God will sustain you. Let Him take the lead. It’s worth it.  

-Amanda P.  

Friday, October 10, 2014

Everyone has a story

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." -Maya Angelou

Being in college has been an amazing experience. I’ve gotten to meet so many different types of people. What I realize is that everyone has a story, but sometimes we don’t give people the opportunity to share it. 

In one of my classes, we have assigned seating. I thought that I had gotten to know the people sitting around me, but, as it turns out, I actually didn't know much about them. One day, our teacher challenged us to take 2 minutes and give our testimony to the person sitting next to us. So, I began to speak to the guy sitting on my left. After sharing my testimony, it was his turn. He began to tell me about his past. He had a rough relationship with his parents. His parents divorced and he chose not to live with either of them after they separated. There’s much more to the story, but either way, I realized that I hadn't even tried to get to know the person sitting right beside me the last few weeks. Was I so wrapped up in my own world to pay any attention to the person sitting next to me?

The same thing happened in another one of my classes. There was a girl that I had spoken to before in that class, but I realized that I didn't know much about her before she shared her story. She used to be in the partying and drinking scene. After passing out in her bathroom one night after a party, her dad found her on the floor and told her how disappointed he was. But, she got her act together when she accepted the Lord as her Savior. Everything wasn't rainbows and butterflies after becoming a Christian, though. Her doctor found a tumor in her back and she was told that it was cancer. She had to go through chemotherapy and, after a long treatment, she was finally cancer-free. This girl is only 18 years old, today. She has already gone through so much more than the average person goes through in their lifetime.

Don’t jump to the conclusion that those around you are ordinary people. There’s no such thing as an ordinary person because we all have interesting pasts whether we think so or not. Sometimes I go through life thinking that I’m surrounded by ordinary people with average lives and unexciting pasts. But now I’m starting to realize that isn't the case. I live in an extraordinary world with diverse people that have unforgettable stories. I can’t simply wait and see if maybe, one day, someone will approach me and tell me their story. I have to make an effort to get to know the people around me. The people we pass everyday are all going through their own battles. You never know the impact your words may have on someone else, and sometimes, people just want someone to talk to. Why can’t it be you who listens?  

Be careful not to go through the motions each day. Make conversations with the people you encounter. Perhaps you'll be surprised at who you might meet. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why we fail to become healthier

“Be healthier”. “Eat more vegetables.” “Exercise more often”. Those lines were probably a goal for the new year for everyone at some point in their lives. But, as the year went on we ate less vegetables, exercised less often, and became unhealthier. What causes the gradual decline in interest? 

Becoming a “healthier you” is a popular topic nowadays. We all want to learn how to melt that belly fat and boost our metabolisms. Seriously though, do we even know what metabolisms are? It’s easy to type “how to loose weight fast” on Google and scan a few articles that all pretty much say the same thing. We want a quick fix, but sometimes, not all of our problems can be resolved in the snap of a finger. 

Becoming healthier is more than just chugging down thick protein shakes and spending hours grinding away on the treadmill. It takes time, patience, and dedication. 

Food matters

It is pointless to spend an hour at the gym if you are going to go grab a few donuts after your workout. Food matters a lot more than you think. There are many trends going around, as far as diets go. I cannot show you a “miracle diet” that will make your skin glow and help you meet the love of your life and make your life perfect, because a "one-size-fits-all miracle diet" does not exist. But, I can tell you to take the time to research food and nutrition. Get your facts straight. There are many lies out there when it comes to diets, but it’s up to you to figure out what works for you. In addition, dieting is not always the answer. It’s convenient to do a 7 day juice fast, but have you tried just trying to eat healthier everyday. Don’t put a time limit on your eating habits. Consistence is key. 

Exercise does not have to be boring

Exercise has become that “thing” that a lot of people seem to hate. I understand why some people dislike exercise because they think that they have to go to the gym to workout. The gym can be monotonous, but exercise does not have to be dull. I recently started rock climbing and I love it. It’s fun and it has made me stronger physically and mentally. Try to find what works for you. Maybe you’ll find that you enjoy cycling or ice skating or even mountain biking. Explore exercise options around your town. You never know what you might find.

If you don’t have a good reason to become healthier than you will have a hard time committing to being healthier
Becoming healthier should mean more than just getting a six pack or having prettier legs. Being healthier should mean becoming happier. Six packs and prettier legs are just an extra bonus of being healthier. We should all have a good reason to be healthier. For some, it could mean trying to have more energy everyday and feeling better overall. For others it could be simply wanting to be around for their families longer in the future. It’s important to assess why it is you want to be healthier because if you don’t have something to motivate you then it will be harder for you to commit.

Sleep is essential
Getting quality shut-eye is crucial for your body. While you sleep, your body is repairing itself. If you are not getting quality sleep, you might want to look into figuring out how to change that. You might have to sleep with more pillows, invest in a new mattress, keep your room darker, or even try downloading an app on your smartphone that produces sounds (rain, beach waves, thunder, etc) to help you sleep better. 

Don’t forget about your brain health! 
Your brain is an essential part of your body, so it should be obvious to keep it healthy as well. There are many things you can do to keep your brain fit. 
1. Turn off the technology
Technology can be mind-numbing. It’s very easy to tune out and mindlessly point and click on TV show episodes and movies on Netflix. Take a break every once in a while. Or better yet, limit yourself to a certain amount of time on the internet a day. 
2. Try puzzles and games
Soduku, word searches, crossword puzzles, card games, and board games are a great way to relax and use your brain.

3. Exercise
Many studies have shown how great exercise is for your health because it increases blood flow to your brain. 
4. Listen to Music
Try whipping out those headphones and listening to a nice playlist. You might want to explore different styles of music. You never know if you might fall in love with classical or jazz.
5. Challenge your brain
Our brains need to learn new things in order to become stronger. Try to make it a goal to learn something new every month. You could try learning a new language (that might take longer than a month), learn to play a musical instrument, or even take free online college courses on a subject that interests you. 

6. Read
I cannot even begin to tell you how beneficial reading is for your head. Try reading some non-fiction as well. 
7. Create
Painting, drawing, sculpting, carpentry, knitting, crocheting, sewing, design, and writing are some examples of ways to start creating. Creating allows your mind to think out of the box and be creative. You never know what you might come up with. If you're stuck on what to create try making something you pinned on one of your Pinterest boards but you never got around to it. 

Make a plan
Ok, now that you have some ideas about being healthier, it’s time to make a plan. If you jump into this new lifestyle blindly you’ll probably trip a few times. First, do some research. Find out healthier food options and change the way you eat. Throw out all of the junk you should not eat. You can’t eat junk if you don’t keep it around. Plan breakfasts, lunches, snacks, dinners, and some desserts. Carry around snacks when you go out so that you don't get tempted to grab a candy bar. Eating nutritiously is more than just eating some lettuce like a little rabbit, trust me. There are tons of great recipes online. Next, explore exercise options. Don’t try to focus on exercising a certain amount of time, but focus on being more active. Try to find something that works for you. Then, find your reason to be healthier. Having a good reason helps you focus on why it is you're doing this. Next, get some sleep! Last, but not least, work that brain of yours. Brain health is super important as well. 

It’s easy to forget that health is more than just looking good on the outside. Food, sleep, exercise, and brain health all matter as well. Being healthier is not an insurmountable goal. It is attainable with some planning and commitment. Good luck!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

27 Signs you're a TCK

I'm a TCK. (TCK stands for third culture kid. TCKs are kids/teenagers that have traveled and lived in different countries and cultures while they were growing up.) I have had the pleasure of living in several different countries and cultures. I just thought I'd make a list of signs you might be a TCK for those who are TCK's and for those that aren't. If you aren't a TCK, I invite you to read the post anyways so you can learn more about me and other TCK's. Enjoy!

You might be a TCK if...

1. Your eye starts twitching when people ask you where you’re from.

2. You know what it’s like to be stared at.

3. You go to the US and have a hard time finding authentic food from the countries you’ve lived in.

4. You speak more than one language.

5. You’re great at calculating time differences.

6. You have favorite airports and airlines. 

7. You don’t know what to do when you come across a form that asks you to give your permanent address.

8. You’ve had to say about a million goodbyes. 

9. You’re an expert packer. 

10. You can convert currencies in your head.

11. You’re a foodie because you’ve gotten to taste the best, authentic foods from different cultures.

12. You know that fast-food restaurants like Subway, McDonalds, KFC, and Burger King taste very different depending on where you are.

13. You get flustered when you go to the supermarket (especially the candy aisle) in the US because there are so many options.

14. You’re an expert at getting through security at airports. It’s like another routine.

15. You meet a person and get confused with which way to greet them. Do you shake their hand, give them a Spanish kiss on the cheek, hug them….what is it?

16. You’re referred to as “the American”.

17. People have asked you to choose the best place you’ve ever lived.

18. You’ve been asked to teach English hundreds of times.

19. The flight attendant announces that it’s time to board the plane and everyone else rushes to get in line while you just sit there watching people trample over each other to get in line.

20. You have more than one type of currency in your wallet.

21. You get overjoyed when you receive a care package.

22. You had a passport before you had a drivers license. 

23. You are not sure what language to greet in when you answer the phone.

24. You put a DVD in your computer and discover it’s from the wrong region.

25. Seeing 20 people in the back of a truck is normal.

26. You have rainy season and dry season not winter, fall, spring, and summer.


27. You have friends living all around the world. 


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Subway's sandwiches have what?

So I don’t know whether or not you’ve heard about the latest news about Subway’s sandwich bread, but if you haven’t let me catch you up. Well, sixty-six thousand people have petitioned for Subway to remove an ingredient, called “azodicarbonamide”, from their bread. That chemical is found in things like yoga mats and shoe rubber. 

Subway responded by saying the chemical is approved by the FDA and the USDA, but they gave into the protests, nonetheless, and are in the process of removing the chemical from their bread. Interestingly, only the Subways in North America use azodicarbonamide in their bread. It would be illegal to serve the bread with azodicarbonamide in Europe because it has been banned due to research that discovered that the chemical could cause asthma, allergies, and respiratory issues. The use of azodicarbonamide is banned almost everywhere else in the world except for the United States. 

Let’s talk about azodicarbonamide

Azodicarbonamide is a toxic and flammable chemical that is found in yoga mats and the rubber at the bottom of our shoes. It looks like a funky yellow powder. "The principal end use of azodicarbonamide is as a blowing agent in the rubber and plastics industries.” But Subway uses the chemical in the dough to make the bread light and fluffier. Let’s risk possible respiratory problems for fluffier bread, right? I also want to know who saw azodicarbonamide and said “let’s put some of that in bread”.  So, why in the world does Subway’s bread have the ingredient? Last time I checked you didn’t need that nasty tongue-twister of a word to make bread. All the ingredients to make bread are actual foods that I can pronounce like eggs or flour, and I’m pretty sure you won’t find either of those in a yoga mat. Other major fast foods companies like McDonalds, Burger King, and Dunkin Donut’s all have foods containing the harmful chemical. Subway isn’t the only one!

The use of azodicarbonamide in bread is illegal in Europe and Australia

What I find interesting is that Europe and Australia have already banned the use of azodicarbonamide. The United Kingdom has actually stopped producing azodicarbonamide. Instead, they import it from another country so they don’t have to deal with manufacturing the chemical. Why are food companies in the US still using it? Also, I think there’s something wrong with the FDA and the USDA. I have heard story after story of things that are “FDA approved” that have actually been harmful. Just because something is FDA approved does not mean it’s good for you. I think it's unnecessary to use azodicarbonamide. Sure, it might make bread fluffier but I'd rather have bread with normal fluffiness than have abnormal fluffy bread and health problems.

Subway has been labeled as the “healthy fast food option”, but I think it may be time to rethink that statement. It's funny that Subway's motto is "eat fresh", yet they don't use fresh ingredients. Never assume that what you’re eating is truly healthy. Make a point to read labels and research what’s going into the food you’re eating. You might be surprised what you find. 

If you are interested in learning more or signing the petition against the harmful ingredient used in Subway's bread go to this link: 

