I'm writing this so that maybe you won't do the things that I'm doing when I "take care" of the plants in my house. I hope your luck is better than mine. My thumb seems to be lacking "green-ness".
While this plant may look quite healthy, wait till you see the close-ups. We bought that plant over a year ago. It was pretty healthy until (dum..dum...dum) Leo arrived. According to the vet, it's part of dogs' instincts to destroy plants. Every time Leo passes this plant he takes a mouth-full of leaves with him.
A close-up of the plant above. |
One day, I decided to put some oil on the plant to make it look shiny and less dusty. So, I rubbed some oil on its leaves and stuck it outside in the sun. I went back inside to go on the computer. A few hours later, I heard my sister ask me if I put some plants outside. I ran outside and saw the poor plant that I forgot about. The plant looked baked and droopy. I guess I fried it! It eventually recovered, but it has never been the same since. This poor plant has been through a lot, but you haven't seen anything yet.
This is plant #2, or should I say stick #2. This stick is situated next to a couch where Leo gets on this hind legs and eats the dirt from the plant. The plant is next to a window, but for some weird reason not that much sunlight reaches it. I water it a few times a week, but I don't think that I'll continue to water it because I think it's gone.
This is a close-up of the stick that is left.
This plant is actually healthy, but I'm no expert. It's so ironic that the only plant that is healthy in this house (this one) is the plant that sits in a corner with no sunlight and I water it every other week. Maybe palm trees are easier to take care of.
Okay, moving on. This plant is healthy, I think. But for the past few days, it has been growing white fuzz all over it's leaves! One day I jumped up and said "I think I'll water the plants!". And when I strolled over to this plant I was like "What the heck is that white fuzz?" I honestly have no idea what it is and I'm too lazy to figure out. I'm on summer break and I don't feel like googling why my plant is fuzzy.
A close-up of the fuzzies.
This plant has probably been through the most. Leo continues to dig it up. It used to sit on the floor, but I moved it on a bench to try to get it away from Leo's destroying paws. But one day I came outside and there was Leo, sitting in front of a big pile of dirt, looking back at me with his huge eyes. I cleaned up and over the next few days palm branches started to disappear from the plant. That dog had it in for the plant. So eventually there was nothing left and here I am trying to regrow the plant. Wish me luck!
There used to be a plant in here, but, well you get the picture. That plant lived for a few months. But, this time it wasn't Leo that killed it. I have no idea what happened to it, but it now sits in our laundry room under a dirty dust mop. All that is left of the plant is a stick.
So now you might understand why I have dry spray painted roses in my room. I don't feel like taking life away from yet another plant. I can't help it though. I guess owning a green house would be out of the question.
How not to take care of your plants:
1. Keep your plants on the floor near the dog.
2. Move the plants to a place higher than the floor, but a place where the dog is still able to reach.
3. Own a smart dog that knows how to get to your plants.
4. Make sure you oil your plant and bake it for a few minutes outside to ensure "shiny-ness".
5. Water your plant once a month.
6. You know your plant is healthy when you see that its growing white feathers!