Wednesday, June 29, 2011

More of my photography

Here's  some more of my photography. Some are funny while some are just plain awesome. Also, note that none of these have been edited in any way. But, anyways, enjoy!
It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's LEO (sitting on my mom's plant).

sunny archway

I found this picture funny because that buggy has a HUGE gas tank on top of it!

the zoo

another jellyfish

Bad Squishy!



Guys that are sitting on the back of a truck and on a couch!! Hmmmmm...

I'm on the top of the world!

This may look like it's in black in white, but it's not. This was an ordinary day in Vancouver.
Now remember that I did take all of these pictures. Also, I don't have a high tech camera either (just a handy dandy pocket-size Nikon). Which pic was your favorite? Comment!

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