Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Meet Leo

Meet Leo. A.K.A my 7 month old chocolate lab.
Height/Weight: no idea
Interests: chewing on bones, chasing after tennis balls, napping, chewing on everything, and cruising the counter for food
Favorite foods: Anything and everything! But, particularly bones, peanut butter, and bacon.

In Spanish "Lio" means "mess" which describes Leo very well. Leo is a huge mess. He is very creative in how and when he likes to destroy things. I'm not going to list everything that he has annihilated because then we might be here all day, but I will tell you about some specifically funny/horrendous moments of Leo's adventures. 

Leo does not like water for some weird reason. Labradors are supposed to love the water, but apparently I got a broken lab. Whenever it's time to give him a bath we have to literally drag him into the water. Then, we have to make sure that he's tied to the front gate while we hose him down. After the bath, we untie him and he runs all over the house rolling around trying to get himself dirty again. One time, he sat on a plant! I have no idea why he did that, but I thought that it was hilarious. 
Leo is adorable which is both a good thing and a bad thing. For one, whenever I punish him for doing something wrong, he looks back at me with his huge eyes and I immediately feel bad for punishing him. I can not leave Leo alone in the house. He will chew anything (yes, anything!). Just a few weeks ago he chewed the plug off the radio. My parents weren't very happy about that, but we were able to buy a new cord. "Counter-cruising" is one of his favorite past-times. He waits till we're turned around and jumps up on the kitchen counter and grabs something to eat. He's gotten bread, pancakes, cookies, watermelon, papaya, cheeses and the list goes on. Now don't get me wrong, Leo is such a nice dog once you get to know him. If you have treats in your hand, he will honestly do anything you tell him to do. Just give him a bone and then he'll love you forever!

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