Friday, January 4, 2013

10 things to do when you're waiting for something to heat up in the microwave

  1. Do some lunges. Do some squats. Do some push-ups. Get a quick workout in.

  1. Run around the house screaming "It's alive!! It's alive!!" Remember to flail your arms wildly above your head for maximum effect.

  1. Eat some cheese. Cheese is good.

  1. Organize the fridge. HA! Just kidding.

  1.  Watch a cute animal video on YouTube. You know you want to.

  1. Press your face up against the microwave window. (that may or may not be bad for you)

  1. Google "things to do when you're waiting for something to heat up in the microwave".

  1. Scream "SPIDERRRR!!!"and  jump up on the counter. (This only works when there's someone else in the kitchen.)

  1. Do the macarena. Everyone loves the macarena.

  1. Sit on the ground and pretend to meditate. Say "Ommmm….ommmmm…". Then when someone walks by you and asks you what you're doing tell them that they're distracting you from your "inner peace".



  1. Amanda, you have made my day, AGAIN! I love this... and your whole blog in general. Keep on writing!

    1. haha thanks Molly! glad you're liking my posts :D
