Thursday, January 3, 2013

The 9 Annoying Types of People at the Gym

These are my observations at the gym and my perspective on things. It's meant to be taken as a joke so please don't take anything the wrong way. Enjoy...

The Narcissist
 These guys do something as small as 5 push-ups and then run to the mirror and flex their biceps to asses the "progress". It doesn't work that way sweetie. Sorry.  These guys roll up their sleeves, pull up their shirts, wink and nod in satisfaction at what they think they see. We all know those guys that spend more time admiring themselves in the mirror  than actually exercising.

The Squawkers
People on the phone. These people jabber on about nothing in particular on the phone while trying to make sure that everyone within a 300 foot radius can hear them. Nothing can block out the sound. Turning up your music doesn't always do the trick. You are doomed and forced to listen to them ramble about they ate for the past 3 weeks.

The Overly Curious
These people will be on the treadmill or elliptical next to yours and peek at your machine to see your time and how fast you're going. This actually happened to me twice this morning. Let's focus on our own workout shall we?

  We've all seen those people that stay on one machine for like a half hour. They primarily sit there people-watching. They do 10 reps, rest for 5 minutes, and repeat. Your clothes will be out of style by the time it's finally your turn.

The Contagious Ones
People that go to the gym when they're sick should really stay home. Coughing all over the equipment is gross and could get other people sick. I go to the gym to exercise and not to catch the bubonic plague thank you very much.

The Oblivious
These people will get on the treadmill right next to yours when there are 10 other empty ones. Do they do it on purpose? (sometimes these people double as the Overly Curious identity above)

The Conversationalists
 When someone is on a machine near me and their friend comes along and they end up having a long, loud conversation. This mostly happens with women in my gym but guys do it too (just not as obnoxiously) All you hear is "Ahhhh!!!!....OMG really?....He did what?....No way!....Omg…Omg…Omg…ahhhh…I know right?...I love coming to the gym and getting physically fit….I love doing like workouts and like zumba…ahhhh!!!!!" Their vocabulary also is made up of the newest gossip.

The Divas
Wearing too much make-up at the gym…..ugh. Then when they have too much makeup on it ends up melting off their face and making their eyes look depressed.

The Future Chiropractor Patient
The people that are clearly doing an exercise wrong and you know they're going to break one of their limbs sometime within the week. They look like they're breaking the laws of physics and using the equipment in ways that really should not be used.

Overall, I think we've all encountered these different identities when we've gone to the gym. I am in no way trying to offend anyone. I'm just pointing out the different people that I see at the gym. Hope it made you laugh. What annoys you at the gym?


  1. The narcissist is my favorite!! I see those guys all the time!! great observations.

    1. yeah...I see them all the time as well! haha they can be annoying but it makes me laugh just watching them
