Friday, January 11, 2013

My Love/Hate Relationship with Facebook

Having a Facebook account can have it's pros and cons. At times, the cons greatly outnumber the pros. Allow me to rephrase that: Most times, the cons greatly outnumber the pros. I've considered deleting my account and ridding myself of the addictive social-networking tool once and for all, but I just can't seem to do it. I've traveled to different places around the world and Facebook is the best thing that helps me stay connected with the people I've met on my adventures.

But nevertheless here are my pros and cons of Facebook...

Con: reading the posts where people feel the need to post every detail about their day. I love reading about every single itty-bitty detail of their "absolutely fabulous" day. (notice my sarcasm)

Pro: Facebook is the perfect tool for keeping up with friends.

Con: Game requests. I have to admit that I was terribly addicted to Farmville a few years ago. I don't know if it was the kaleidoscope of colors or the mesmerizing music that seems to hypnotize you into wanting to play it more and more and more. It's a trap! Don't fall for it! But, for those of you who have unfortunately fallen victim to the enslaving games, please don't send me requests. I don't want to be in your mafia or send you a cow for your marvelous, little farm.

Pro: Sharing my photography on Facebook is easy and all of my friends can see my pictures!

Con: Those cryptic status updates that make you want to push someone down the stairs. We've all heard those statuses that are purposely directed to one person. "I hate you for what you did." Who do you hate? Why do you hate them? Then when someone asks them what's wrong they reply simply with "I don't want to talk about it." or "Inbox me.". HA! Well, I didn't realize this was a private matter! 

Pro: Facebook reminds me of my friend's birthdays. Man...I'm so bad at remembering birthdays. Thank you Facebook!

Con: Political battles. Thank goodness the election is over because the time during and shortly after the election was pure madness. Pure madness I tell you!!! Some people think it's their job to convert people to their political party. Every argument is pretty much the same. Person A says something about politics. Person B disagrees with Person A. Person A argues back about why he/she's right. And the rest of the alphabet are watching the debate as they're glued to their computer screens eating giant tubs of popcorn.

Pro: Facebook allows me to stay connected with friends, share and view pictures, chat, and keep up with events all in one place.

Con: Anything starting with "Like if…". Grrrr…..

Pro: You can keep up with what's going on in other people's lives. I can keep up with people that are undergoing surgery so I can pray for them. I can motivate someone who's new resolution is to be more active. I can see what movies and music my friends like on their profiles.

Con: People trying to add you on Facebook that you don't even know. What gave you the impression that I want to be your friend on FB? I don't even know you! You could be a psycho serial killer who wants to brutally murder me in my sleep!  Weirdos…

Pro: You can express yourself.

My conclusion is that Facebook is the perfect tool for keeping up with friends, but it has its obvious cons! But all joking aside, I think it's clear that I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook (and I know I'm not the only one). What do you like and dislike about Facebook?

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