Monday, January 7, 2013

The Pros and Cons of being short

I'm about 5 feet tall and I weigh (whoops...temporary memory loss). I've always been short and it's never really something that I've hated about myself. I embrace my compact size. But, some days, being tiny can have it's disadvantages.

Con: Finding pants that aren't too long. 

Pro: Dressing up as a Hobbit is as easy as pie. (I have no idea where that untrue expression originated. "Easy as pie." Pie is not easy! Have you tried making a pie? You have to make the dough and chop up whatever you're going to put in it...then sauté whatever you're going to put in it and and…well you get the picture.)

Con: People mistake you as an arm rest. Oh if I had a nickel for every time someone put their arm on my head I'd be rich.   

Pro: People in the grocery store never ask you to help them reach something on a higher shelf.

Con: You have to ask people to help you reach something on a high shelf.

Pro: No one can ever find you in hide-and-seek or sardines. I love playing hide-and-seek for exactly this reason! One time I hid in a dryer and no one was able to find me. Another time I hid behind a bookshelf. Yes...behind it.

Con: Sometimes mistaken as a child. Whenever I reply to someone's question of "How old are you?" they always say "Really? You look a lot younger!". This happens every time without fail.

Pro: You could pass for a child's admission at the movies until you were 13.

Con: Your seatbelt hits your face.

Pro: Being in the front row for all group pictures! (this can double as a con)

Con: When people try to pick you up. *glare* (Dear tall people, please stop trying to pick us halflings up. We will bite you.)

Con: Being stuck behind someone with a huge head at the movies. (maybe if I kick his head he'll let me get away with it because I look like a child)

Pro: Being a natural expert at limbo.

Con: Hugging someone much taller than you can be really awkward.

Pro: You look younger.

Con: finding shoes small enough for your feet that don't light up or have Dora's face plastered all over them.

Con: the childhood days of being called "shorty" and "chicken little". But maybe that was just me.

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